Family Issues

Listed below are some organisations / support groups that provide information and advice about Family Issues.
Although the information was originally collected for use within the Linlithgow community we hope the list could be useful to others.

For further information on any of the organisations - just follow the website link/s or where there are no website links available email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Adoption UK

Charity providing support, community and advocacy for all those parenting or supporting children who cannot live with their birth parents. Connect adoptive families, provide information and signposting on a range of adoption-related issues.


Website which provides information on rights and the law in England and Wales.

Age Scotland

Work to improve the lives of people over the age of 50 in Scotland by providing a free helpline, support older people’s groups, promote age and dementia-friendly communities, deliver wellbeing programmes, and campaign on behalf of older people.

Anti-bullying networkThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Find out how to tackle bullying, where to go for advice.


UK-wide provider of support services to people who have been bereaved or seriously injured in a road crash, as well as the family, friends and professionals supporting them. The helpline and support literature provide emotional support, practical information (teaching road safety, fleet safety), and signposting.

C.A.R.E. (Christian Action Research and Education) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Gives advice on counselling, provides helplines and campaigns on Christian ethics.

‘CAPVA’ Child or Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse

Capa First Response is an online platform for families & Professionals – supporting those impacted by a child using harmful and/or aggressive behaviours towards a parent or caregiver. 


Care for the Family  

Care for the Family is a national charity which aims to promote strong family life and to help those who face family difficulties.

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

Making the internet a safer place. Useful information.

Child Support Laws

Offers extensive information on child support laws. Publishes questions that people have asked via the online Ask Our Experts form.

Children 1st   

Supports Scottish families under stress, protect children from harm and neglect, help them recover from abuse and promote children's rights and interests.

Children in Scotland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

National organisation for voluntary, statutory and professional organisations and individuals working with families and children.

Contact - for families with disabled children

Support families, bring families together and help families take action for others. Provide: information and advice; listening ear; workshops and events; support parent carer forums in England.

Coram BAAF Adoption & Fostering Academy 

Membership organisation dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people in care by supporting the agencies and professionals who work with them.


Social care and support service by the Church of Scotland. Available to all people in Scotland.

Cybersmile Foundation

Offers support to those affected by cyberbullying and their families, as well as educating people of all ages to respect the dangers of the internet and to consider their peers’ feelings whilst interacting online. 

Domestic Abuse - West Lothian Council

Help for those suffering domestic abuse.

Eat Better Feel Better 

National eating campaign. Website has quick recipes, offers, handy hints, cookalong videos, and what's on in your area. Throughout Scotland there are a range of events, organisations and community groups that can help you to eat healthier. 

Eating Disorders In Males: National Centre for Eating Disorders

Information and advice about male eating disorders, definitions, signs and symptoms, treatments, getting support including support groups. 

Eczema Outreach Support (EOS) 

Eczema Outreach Support offers supports for families of children & young people affected by eczema in the UK. Located in Linlithgow, Scotland.


The Scottish Advice Service, provides advice and information about additional support for learning legislation and guidance for families and professionals.

Families Anonymous

Offers meetings, resources and services for families who has a member with a drug problem. Helpline number 0207 4984 460

Families Need FathersThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Concerned with the problems of maintaining a child's relationship with both parents during a breakdown.

Family Fund 

Independent grant-giving organisation helping low-income families caring for a severely disabled child.

Family Law Association 

To provide a point of reference for the public and for other organisations on family law issues.

Father's Network Scotland 

Provides help and support, advice or information for dads/fathers. Website includes directory of dad friendly groups and organisations in Scotland. A range of services offered including workshops, training, consultancy, events, research and media work. The charity works with a wide range of organisations across Scotland to engage, support and empower men to be the fathers they want to be. 

Fatherhood InstituteThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The UK's fatherhood think tank. Wide range of information about / for fathers on issues such as maternity, employment, education, and government policy etc.

Gamblers Anonymous

Support meetings offering fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other.

Get Safe Online

Provides advice on how to protect yourself, your computers and mobiles device and your business against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online. Topics including passwords, oversharing, cyberbullying, online dating and online gambling.

Guide for Veterans

This Guide for Veterans contains resources that provide Mental Health, Housing and Financial support available to veterans / ex-servicemen. It also provides information about 'Jobs and Training for Veterans', 'Scholarships for Disabled Veterans', 'Help for Injured Veterans', 'Help for Blind Veterans' and 'Help for Carers of Injured Veterans'. Plus 'Information on Armed Forces Pensions'.


For parents of children with complex needs, provides practical information, advocacy, emotional support and guidance.

Mellow Parenting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Offers a range of programmes for parents (mums and dads) to be the best parents they can be to their child / children.

National Cyber Security Centre NCSC

Provides advice to protect you and your family, and the technology you rely on to stay safe online when banking, shopping, streaming and social media. Including advice on common cyber issues such as dealing with suspicious emails, to being hacked, having your username and password stolen. 

National Self Harm Network NSHNThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Supports survivors and people who self harm and the people it affects e.g. family and friends. Provides information, contacts and raises awareness of needs.

Netmums This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Netmums is a family of local sites that cover the UK, each site offering information to mothers on everything from where to find playgroups and how to eat healthily to where to meet other mothers.

Notre Dame Centre

Provides services and support to vulnerable children, young people and families


One Parent Families Scotland

Provides help to all single parent families; mums, dads, young parents and kinship carers. Free, confidential, impartial advice. National Lone Parent Helpline. Freephone 0808 801 0323

Parenting across Scotland: information and support for families in Scotland

Aims to support families in Scotland in bringing up their children. Provides information and support for parents and practitioners, carrying out research and influencing policymakers.

Parentline Scotland

ParentLine Scotland (08000 28 22 33) - a free confidential helpline operated by Children First for anyone caring for or concerned about a child in Scotland.

Guide features what children do online, the threat of online strangers and how to ensure a healthy balance between Internet use, your children’s online privacy, digital security, and more on online safety.

Relationships Scotland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Offers relationship counselling, family mediation, child contact centres and other forms of family support across Scotland. Supports individuals, couples and families experiencing relationship difficulties.

SACRO (Safeguarding Communities and Reducing Offending)

Provides a wide range of services spanning all aspects of the community justice continuum. These range from conflict resolution to prevent disputes escalating, to supporting prisoners on release. 

Safe Families for Children 

Aims to makes a crucial difference for some families in preventing the need for children to go into care. They accept referrals from partnering local authorities, matching struggling families with caring volunteers in their area who can provide tailored help and ‘wraparound’ care. This includes: Host Families; A Family Friend: A Resource Friend; A Family Coach; A Safe Families Church.

Scottish Adoption

Offers information, counselling and support to anyone who has adopted, has been adopted or is interested in adoption.

Scottish Child Law CentreThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Provides free telephone advice service on all aspects of Scots Law relating to children and young people.

Scottish Mediation Network

Provides information about what mediation is, the different types of meditation and how it can help people agree a solution when there is disagreement.

Sense Scotland

Help for people who are deaf-blind or who have sensory impairment in communicating. Free advisory service and support including: early years: children and families: adults: living in your own home.

Soldiers Sailors Airmen and Families AssociationThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Helps serving and ex-service men, women (Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen) and their families. Forcesline, a free and confidential telephone helpline 0800 260 6767

Stop it Now! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Information and guidance on how to protect children from sexual abuse. For those concerned about a child or young persons sexual behaviour in the real world or online. Also for those concerned of their own sexual behaviour towards children.

Sure Start in West Lothian  

Supporting Parents and Carers to make a positive start in young childrens’ lives from birth to age 3. Services include: individual support, group sessions, parenting programmes.

The Mix: help and support for under 25s

Provides information, help and support for people under 25: everything from homelessness to finding a job, from money to mental health, from break-ups to drugs.


Information / advice for staying safe when you're on a phone, tablet or computer. Covers different age ranges: 4-7, 8-10, 11-13 and 14+.  Plus Parent / Carer and Children workforce categories.


The team of Tommy's midwifes provide a pregnancy information service and support line for parents and families who lose a baby, experience premature birth and to help everyone have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

United Christian Broadcasting (UCB) Prayerline 

Telephone team that will pray with you and for you. or you can submit your prayer request by filling in an online form. 

West Lothian Food Bank This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Supplies emergency food for local people in crisis. See also The Trussell Trust website.

Women's Aid 

A national charity providing help, information and support on domestic abuse. Online resources include: connect to a support worker (chat or email), speak to other women in the community of survivors, survivor's handbook - get help, safety planning, dealing with police and more. 

Working Families Tax Credit  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Information on the Working families Tax credits and child tax credits. Tax credits: general enquiries helpline 0345 300 3900 (text phone 0345 300 3909)

Zero Tolerance 

Independent charity which works to end men's violence against women by promoting gender equality and by challenging attitudes which normalise violence and abuse. Provides zero tolerance publications and research.