Age Concern

Listed below are some organisations / support groups that provide information and advice in relation to Age Concern.
Although the information was originally collected for use within the Linlithgow community we hope the list could be useful to others.

For further information on any of the organisations - just follow the website link/s or where there are no website links available email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Accesible train travel and facilities

Information includes: travel assistance; accessible stations and stations made easy; mobility scooters; discounts; train facilities and further information.

Age Scotland

Work to improve the lives of people over the age of 50 in Scotland by providing a free helpline, support older people’s groups, promote age and dementia-friendly communities, deliver wellbeing programmes, and campaign on behalf of older people.

Age UK

Provides support, companionship, information and advice (money and legal, health and wellbeing, care and support, work and learning). Services include: day centres, befriending services, free weekly telephone friendship calls and a free Age Uk Advice Line 0800 678 1602.

Alzheimer Scotland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Provides a wide range of specialist services for people with dementia and their carers including personalised support services, community activities, information and advice, at every stage of the dementia journey

Apetito - Home Meals Service

Ready meals delivered to your door. Meals are frozen. This service replaces that of 'Meals on Wheels'.

Blackwood care

Provide personalised care at home and housing support. 24/7 and night support digital service. Have care homes in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Stirling. 

Blue Cross This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pet charity providing practical support and information for owners. Pet bereavement support including children with pets.

Butterfly Scheme 

an opt-in scheme in hospitals, that empowers people with dementia and their carers to choose the care they want.

Care Information Scotland 

Provides information and advice if you look after someone, need care for yourself or are planning for your future needs.

Care Inspectorate 

The Care Inspectorate regulates and inspects care services in Scotland to make sure that they meet the right standards.

Carers of West Lothian 

Information, advice and support for all unpaid carers and people with disabilities.


Social care and support service by the Church of Scotland. Available to all people in Scotland.

Cue and Review Recording Service

Scottish registered charity that transcribes print magazines and newspapers into audio formats for the benefit of visually-and-reading-impaired people. Now includes 'Alexa Enable to access Talking Newspapers'.

Cycling Without Age Scotland

Provides trishaw rides to elderly and disabled people allowing them access to the outdoors which is denied to so many people simply because of age or limited mobility. The current list of places where the services has been established (Chapters) are listed on the website. This includes Linlithgow.


Supporting people excluded from family, home, work or community on their life journey. For eg. Homelessness: providing advice and support to people sleeping rough. Cyrenians OPAL (Older People, Active Lives) service aims to maintain or increase older people’s independence and well-being.

Deaf Action 

Dementia Helpline Scotland 

The 24 hour Dementia Helpline is a freephone Scottish service providing information, signposting and emotional support to people with the illness, their families, friends and professionals.

Dementia SCIE

Resource developed for people who work in nursing, residential or domiciliary settings but useful for anyone who comes into contact with a person with dementia. Offers practical tips, tools and activities

EARS Advocacy Service to Older PeopleThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Free, Confidential, Independent and Professional Advocacy Service for Older People throughout Edinburgh and the Lothians.

Food train supporting older people

Supporting older people to eat well, age well and live well at home. Services include: grocery shopping delivery service, help with small household tasks such as bed change/vacuuming/dusting and a free delivery of library books: Food Train Friends service providing 1-1 friendship and group outings. Services are delivered by trained volunteers and there are costs associated with some services. Services available in West Lothian

Grass and hedge cutting for the elderly (WLC)

Service provided by West Lothian Council for West Lothian residents. For information about this service access West Lothian Council's website and look under G within the A - Z services section.

Guide for Veterans

This Guide for Veterans contains resources that provide Mental Health, Housing and Financial support available to veterans / ex-servicemen. It also provides information about 'Jobs and Training for Veterans', 'Scholarships for Disabled Veterans', 'Help for Injured Veterans', 'Help for Blind Veterans' and 'Help for Carers of Injured Veterans'. Plus 'Information on Armed Forces Pensions'.

Home Safety Service for the Elderly (and Frail)

West Lothian Service helping people to live as independently as possible and feel safe. Equipment installed. For information about this service access West Lothian Council's website and look under H within the A - Z services section.

Independent Age

Established voice for older people, their families and carers. Provides services, such as befriending, to promote wellbeing and reduce loneliness. Offers free and confidential advice and information. Lines are open Monday to Friday between 8am - 8pm, and Saturday to Sunday, 9am-5pm. Freephone 0800 319 6789

Linlithgow & District Day Care Centre

A charity managed by a voluntary committee for frail elderly people living in Linlithgow, Brigend, Philipstoun or Winchburgh with varying degrees of dementia living in the local area and to provide relief for the family or carer. 

Linlithgow Link 

Provide support through social and community activity to those who are isolated by illness, age, or infirmity. E.g. volunteers supply car service to hospitals, befriend housebound people and young mothers, provide social activities for the frail elderly and assisting in running the local monthly Caring Café for those affected by Dementia.

Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (LITRG) 

Provides help and information for people who are unable to pay for professional tax advice by providing free information about the tax system and working to make the system more equitable and accessible for people's needs.

National Talking Newspaper & Magazine Service  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Provides national newspapers and magazines in a variety of accessible formats: Audio tape, audio CD, and electronic service (e-mail, internet download, and MP3 Download) for the visually-impaired. 

NHS (National Health Service)

Provides information about health and well being, health services, support and social services provided by the National Health Service for the general public in England.  

Partners in Advocacy

Provide independent advocacy for individuals living in Scotland with learning disabilities, autistic spectrum disorders, physical disabilities and people over 65. Also provide independent advocacy to children and young people who are living with mental health issues, additional support needs and learning disabilities.

Pet Fostering Service Scotland

Provide short term care for pets, when their owner is unable to do so through illness, homelessness or domestic abuse and cannot arrange any alternative care.


Provides social connections for older people at a time in their lives when their social circles are diminishing.

Staying Safe Online

Advice from Age UK about how to stay safe online, as online scams are increasingly common (email scams, fake websites, computer virus / malware, relationship scams and health scams: how you can protect yourself by knowing what to look out for, and what to do if you suspect a scam or have been a victim of a scam. 

Tax Guides: Pensioners (LITRG)

If you are thinking about taking money out of your pension, approaching retirement or are a pensioner on a low income.

The Silver Line This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Free confidential helpline providing information, friendship and advice to older people, open 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Tel:0800 4 70 80 90

Therapet visiting service

Animal assisted therapy - the Therapet visiting service is organised and carried out entirely by volunteers for Canine Concern Scotland Trust. Visits are carried out for the elderley in sheltered housing, residential accommodation, a long-stay geriatric ward. Also adults and children who have a physical disability or learning difficulty and those suffering a terminal illness.

United Christian Broadcasting (UCB) Prayerline 

Telephone team that will pray with you and for you. or you can submit your prayer request by filling in an online form. 

Versus Arthritis 

Information and advice about arthritis including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, psoriatic arthritis and gout. Helpline 0808 5200 520

West Lothian University of the Third Age

The 'University of the Third Age (U3A) is a worldwide educational movement for retired people who wish to pursue wider and educational interests. For information access West Lothian Council's website.